Skill: Throw Spirit Sphere

Throw Spirit Sphere

Required For: Asura Strike (L3)
Max Level: 5
Type: Offensive
Range: 9 cells
SP Cost: 10
Target: Enemy
Range: 9 cells
Cast Time: 1 + Number of Spheres thrown sec
Cool Down: 0.5 sec
Duration: Instant
Effect: Throws Spirit Spheres at enemy. Skill level affects number of spheres that can be thrown, damage is (125+25*SkillLV)% ATK using the element of your current weapon.
Number of thrown Spirits equals to used SkillLV and may miss depending on normal hit probabilities. It has uninterruptible cast but Pneuma will block this skill.

[LV 1] 150% ATK Uses 1 Sphere
[LV 2] 175% ATK Uses 2 Spheres
[LV 3] 200% ATK Uses 3 Spheres
[LV 4] 225% ATK Uses 4 Spheres
[LV 5] 250% ATK Uses 5 Spheres
KRO Name: Finger Offensive