Skill: Lady Luck

Lady Luck

Required For: Acoustic Rhythm (L10 Bard/Dancer)
Max Level: 10
Type: Active
SP Cost: 40 + 3*SkillLV
Upkeep: 1 SP every 4 sec
Target: Self
Area: 7x7 cells
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: None
Duration: 120 sec
Effect: Increases Critical Rate of all players in the area of effect by 1% per SkillLV.
The amount of Critical Rate increased by this skill is affected by Dance Lessons skill level and LUK of the caster.

[LV 1] +1% Critical Rate
[LV 2] +2% Critical Rate
[LV 3] +3% Critical Rate
[LV 4] +4% Critical Rate
[LV 5] +5% Critical Rate
[LV 6] +6% Critical Rate
[LV 7] +7% Critical Rate
[LV 8] +8% Critical Rate
[LV 9] +9% Critical Rate
[LV 10] +10% Critical Rate
KRO Name: Fortune's Kiss