RO items: Misc

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Resultado de la búsqueda: se han encontrado 1672 item(s). Listando 25 items por página.

Item Tipo Peso
Item 743 Spore Doll
A doll that looks just
like a Spore monster.
Weight : 10
Misc 10
Item 744 Bouquet
A bunch of flowers that
is given to express love, thanks or appreciation.
Weight : 5
Misc 5
Item 745 Wedding Bouquet
A small bouquet thrown by brides during the wedding ceremony. The single woman who catches it is the next to be married, supposedly.
Weight : 5
Misc 5
Item 746 Glass Bead
A toy for young
boys that's sort
of like a marble.
But not really.
Weight : 5
Misc 5
Item 747 Crystal Mirror
A gorgeous mirror made
with polished crystal that is considered an essential for every woman.
Weight : 5
Misc 5
Item 748 Witherless Rose
A symbol of eternal love, this enchanted rose will never wither. However, it is rare and expensive.
Weight : 1
Misc 1
Item 749 Frozen Rose
Sculpted out of ice by
masters in the Arctic,
this unique and beautiful rose makes a great gift.
Weight : 1
Misc 1
Item 750 Baphomet Doll
A doll made to resemble Baphomet, enemy of all that is righteous. It is a dollmaker's masterpiece.
Weight : 10
Misc 10
Item 751 Osiris Doll
A doll made to resemble Osiris, king of darkness. Without a doubt, it is a dollmaker's masterpiece.
Weight : 10
Misc 10
Item 752 Rocker Doll
A doll made to resemble Rocker, the grasshopper that loves to play its violin in the fields.
Weight : 10
Misc 10
Item 753 Yoyo Doll
A doll made to resemble one of the Yoyos. These intelligent monkeys live in groups and are very familiar with humans.
Weight : 10
Misc 10
Item 754 Racoon Doll
A doll made to resemble Smokie, the racoon that possibly has the power of invisibility.
Weight : 10
(Raccoon Doll)
Misc 10
Item 756 Rough Oridecon
Raw ore that
mostly consists
of Oridecon metal.
Weight : 20
Misc 20
Item 757 Rough Elunium
Raw ore that
mostly consists
of Elunium metal.
Weight : 20
Misc 20
Item 901 Daenggie
A braided pigtail that
has been cut from the
head of a young girl.
Weight : 1
Misc 1
Item 902 Tree Root
Some roots from trees can be used as medicine, but most of them are fibrous enough to be used as rope.
Weight : 1
Misc 1
Item 903 Reptile Tongue
Merely a severed
reptile's tongue.
Weight : 1
Misc 1
Item 904 Scorpion Tail
A tail severed
from a scorpion.
Weight : 1
Misc 1
Item 905 Stem
Some stems from plants
can be used to in making certain medicines.
Weight : 1
Misc 1
Item 906 Pointed Scale
A single scale from
a Worm Tail monster.
Weight : 1
Misc 1
Item 907 Resin
A viscous plant substance used in the production of certain types of goods.
Weight : 1
Misc 1
Item 908 Spawn
Frog eggs.
Weight : 1
Misc 1
Item 909 Jellopy
A small crystallization created by some monsters.
Weight : 1
Misc 1
Item 910 Garlet
A small crystallization created by some monsters.
Weight : 1
Misc 1
Item 911 Scell
A small crystallization created by some monsters.
Weight : 1
Misc 1