RO items: Healing item

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Resultado de la búsqueda: se han encontrado 279 item(s). Listando 25 items por página.

Item Tipo Peso
Item 12065 Green Salad
A trendy green salad
that is topped with
sweet Umbala dressing.
Dex +5

Weight : 20
Healing item 20
Item 12066 Fried Monkey Tails
Lightly spiced
monkey tails deep
fried in oil that are
popular as a side dish
for drinking. Luk +1

Weight : 6
Healing item 6
Item 12067 Mixed Juice
A cocktail mixed
from various fruit
juices. Luk +2

Weight : 20
Healing item 20
Item 12068 Fried Sweet Potato
Crunchy, fried sweet
potatoes topped with
light syrup. Luk +3

Weight : 50
Healing item 50
Item 12069 Steamed Ancient Lips
Steamed fish with
ancient lips wrapped
in a fresh leaf that is supposedly good for
a man's vigor. Luk +4

Weight : 50
Healing item 50
Item 12070 Fried Scorpion Tails
A fried tail from a
scorpion, which is
said to be the most
nutritious and tasty
part of a scorpion.
There are trace bits
of poison, so don't
eat too much. Luk +5

Weight : 40
Healing item 40
Item 12071 Shiny Marinade Beef
A marinated beef dish
whose spendorous
flavor can only be
described as...shiny.
Str +6

Weight : 80
Healing item 80
Item 12072 Whole Roast
A great meal for
meat lovers, this
roast is spiced up
with a special sauce.
Str +7

Weight : 100
Healing item 100
Item 12073 Bearfoot Special
One of the finest
dishes from Louyang,
a delicacy made from
a bear's meaty foot.
Str +8

Weight : 50
Healing item 50
Item 12074 Tendon Satay
A fresh and juicy
satay made from
thick tendons. Str +9

Weight : 100
Healing item 100
Item 12075 Steamed Tongue
The epitome of
Louyang cuisine.
It's ingredients may
be hard to find, but
culinarily speaking,
it's a masterpiece.
Str +10

Weight : 100
Healing item 100
Item 12076 Red Mushroom Wine
A fragrant grape
wine mixed with Red
Mushrooms. Int +6

Weight : 30
Healing item 30
Item 12077 Special Royal Jelly Herbal Tea
An herbal tea mixed
with royal jelly that
has a pungent scent,
but a refreshing flavor. Int +7

Weight : 80
Healing item 80
Item 12078 Royal Family Tea
A sweetly scented tea,
one of Charles Orleans's specialties, that is
regularly enjoyed by
the royal family.
Int +8

Weight : 100
Healing item 100
Item 12079 Tristram 12
One of the most
exquisite drinks
ever created that
was presented in
celebration of the
coronation of King
Tristram III. Int +9

Weight : 100
(Tristan XII)
Healing item 100
Item 12080 Dragon Breath Cocktail
A cocktail with an
unforgettable flavor
as impressive as a dragon's breath. Int +10

Weight : 100
Healing item 100
Item 12081 Awfully Bitter Bracer
A strange medicine
said to have as much
healing power as its
bitterness. Vit +6

Weight : 50
Healing item 50
Item 12082 Sumptuous Feast
A magnificent feast
fit for gods that would make mortals cry
tears of joy. Vit +7

Weight : 40
Healing item 40
Item 12083 Giant Burito
A jumbo sized
burrito for jumbo
sized appetites.
Vit +8

Weight : 100
Healing item 100
Item 12084 Ascending Dragon Soup
A spicy soup with
dragon meat whose
flavor gives one the
sensation of flight.
Vit +9

Weight : 100
Healing item 100
Item 12085 Immortal Stew
A stew with a funky
smell that looks quite
suspicious, but it really does give the feeling of
immortality. Vit +10

Weight : 100
Healing item 100
Item 12086 Chile Shrimp Gratin
Shrimp and chile
gratin that is so
spicy, it burns.
Agi +6

Weight : 80
Healing item 80
Item 12087 Steamed Alligator with Vegetable
A special Umbala
dish made with
steamed alligator
meat wrapped in
Agi +7

Weight : 80
Healing item 80
Item 12088 Incredibly Spicy Curry
A spicy curry with a
spice known to have
the flavor of patience. Fortunately, the taste is
balanced with pumpkin.
Agi +8

Weight : 100
Healing item 100
Item 12089 Special Meat Stew
Louyang's specialty
stew laced with all
sorts of meat that
has a tempting scent
Agi +9

Weight : 100
Healing item 100