Squirrel Magic Powder Box RO

Configuración: 1x/1x/1x (Renewal) | Editar

La descripción de este item no existe en iRO, se muestra la de kRO.

A box that contains 1 Squirrel Magic Powder. Can be used for 1 week.
An item which when you breathe in this powder, your font becomes a bit evil.
To make the best use of it, its best used when you have something you want to complain about, or when you want to do something awful.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also, this item is not refundable.
Weight : 1

Cash item
20 z

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